G E N E R A L      I N F O R M A T I O N

►You are only purchasing the digital file. Not the printed art.
I will not show you a previous sketch, unless I feel insecure of how the drawing is looking. This kind of things delays my whole working process, not only on your commission but others too. If you require sketches let me know on the form.
►I will send you the full resolution picture (by email or dA note), but my signature will remain on it and you aren't allowed to remove it.
Be sure to save the picture somewhere on your computer, usb memory... I clean my gallery from time to time.
►If you want to order an illustration for commercial use, prices will probably double up or more. The following cases are considered comercial use:

►►There's two levels of commercial use:

  1. Using the commission as publicity (either for yourself, like Patreon stuff, or for a project, including "free" ad-based projects) or as a secondary part of a product, such as art for sites like YouTube or Twitch, website decoration, etc.
  2. The commission is a primary component of a product or is sold directly, such as putting it on stickers/pillows/clothes etc and selling that.
  • •In the first case, the price is multiplied by 2x, or just 1.5x if it features my signature in it ("free publicity" discount).
  • •In the second case, the price is 3x.

  • I reserve the rights of increasing the price if you want a very high detailed drawing.
I reserve the rights of cancelling your petition if I don't feel like drawing it or you have been proved troublesome in any way.
Do not ask me to draw in a different style. If you commission me it's because you like our work.
►Even if the provided reference of your character has a color palette section, I'll probaly modify them a bit to make them fit my style (it's just a slight change). However, if you want me to stick to them, please specify it on the form. The "Other" section is a good place for these matters.
►As an artist, my art is constantly evolving, so there might be slight differences between the samples in my gallery and the illustration you will receive (linearts style, coloring method, composition...). They are very slight changes, but please keep that in mind.
By purchasing any of my services you're automatically accepting my Terms of Service and being obligated to follow them. As well as promising you won't request any Paypal chargeback.


As the artist I hold every right to the produced artwork, so I may do whatever I wish with it, in example;

  • I will post/display the picture anywhere I want (giving you proper credit as the owner of the characters).
  • •Promote myself with it in any place.
  • •Upload Speed Paints.
  • •Publish books with it.
  • •Use them to my portfolio.

►As a commissioner you may:
  • •Repost the art on other sites with proper credit to my gallery/page (with no profit purposes).
  • •Print the art and even make whatever merchandising you want as long as it's only for your personal use and not for sale. 
  • •Use it as decoration for your deviantART profile, Facebook avatar, Skype... as long as it's a personal account and you're not making any profit with it.
►You are NOT ALLOWED to:
•Change, modify or use my works without my permission.
  • •Reproduce the copyrighted artwork comercially (meaning making money of it in any way)
  • •Take credit for the art.
  • Remove my watermarks /signatures.

  • If you wish for your commission to not be uploaded anywhere on the internet I'll charge you an extra 15% fee of the total price. If by any case you wish to "un-private" that commission in the future (so you can upload it somewhere), you just have to send me a note or message, however there will be no refunds for the extra private fee.


Simple background is included in the price of every picture. But it's totally up to you if you want it or not, filled this information on the form.
►Simple backgrounds means they are plain color, gradient backgrounds with some textures and/or tiny ornamentations. 


I will only accept Paypal and deviantART points payments (in this case, I will indicate when I accept points).
I require full payment before I start the artwork.
Paypal payments will only be accepted in EUROS, unless I give you other instructions.
If you don't know how much prices are in your currency use this conversor: www.xe.com/currencyconverter/
I will send you an invoice instead of having you send me the payment to avoid accidental transactions.
Paypal fees are included. What you see is what you will have to pay.
If payment is not received in 48 hours after, you will loose your slot (unless stated otherwise previously).
I will add you to my to-do list once payment is cleared and details are given.
Do not send me any kind of payment until I have confirmed I can accept your commission.  Always wait for my instructions first, specially if you're paying with dA points.
For Point payments, please wait for my instructions.  Sometimes I will make you pay through the Commission Widget and others using the Give button.


I will try to finish your pic as soon as possible, however please be patient with me. If you have ordered more than one illustration or there's other commissions to be done before yours, the waiting time will increase. Check my To---do list whenever you want for an status update.
The most you'll have to wait for your commission is 3-6 months (in the worst case, which is not the usual, but it may happen).
  • ***This cannot be applied to Collab Commissions where I have no control over my partner's life and schedule, but again I'll do what's in my hand so you don't have to wait much.
I tend to work when I feel most motivated so that your commission is done properly and with best effort!
I will always inform you if something comes up and there is a delay with the art.
You may ask how your commission is going whenever you'd like.
►If you need your commission to be made by a certain date (example; the commission is a birthday present for someone) you must state it in the form. An extra fee may be charged due to giving your commission priority.


►Once the picture is finished, I can do small changes such as color adjustments and/or adding tiny details I may have forgotten.
Any big changes will come with an extra charge. Such as an outfit change, outfit addition or subtraction, background change or anything that makes me have to redraw it completely.
If your reference was unclear to start with, then you are not allowed to do minor changes without a fee. Make sure to be clear in your order what you aim for.


If you commission me, you are sure that you don't want a refund. Please be profesional and notice that you aren't obligate to commissions me. I don't do refunds unless If it a special case.
You have no right to cancel or demand a refund from the artist under any circumstances after payment are received.